Monday 4 July 2011

Interview: Sean Beamon of The Road to Pixar Team

In the latest of my series of interviews with members of the 'Road to Pixar' team, I'm interviewing Production Coordinator, Sean Beamon:

A113Animation: Firstly, for those of us that may not know what 'The Road to Pixar' is about, tell us a little bit:
Sean Beamon: We are going to deliver a pizza to the sensational people of Pixar... in the truck from a planet made of pizza.... at least that's what the group told me.

A113: The ultimate goal is Pixar, obviously, what are your thoughts about Pixar?
SB: I find Pixar to be a creative giant that grasped an idea and ran with it.  They seem to have the winning formula with animated movies and they sure do a good job of replicating it

A113: What is your favourite Pixar film; why?
SB: I mean the Toy Story trilogy is fantastic but honestly my favorite Pixar moment is probably the chess game known as "Geri's Game" it was so clever for when it came out and developed the character so well without dialogue! It really was Pixar showing off their animators.

A113: Who is your favourite Pixar character; why?
SB: TWO WORDS. JOHN. RATZENBERGER. The man is awesome in every flick, from Hamm dropping his cork to yellow snowcones with the Abominable Snowman

A113: What was the inspiration for the project?
SB: OK so me and Andy.... yeah we're the same person, and that goes for my whole generation that grew up relating to the kid.

A113: You're launching an online campaign I believe, tell us a little about that:
SB: Well we're really looking for support anyway we can have it. We wanna have as many people behind us as possible so as to express how many people Pixar truly has touched. We are looking for donations to help fund the trip, for we are paying out of pocket, but we are also looking for reasons to make more videos, so of course if you donate and would like a viral video we do have plenty of ideas that could help to get your businesses name out there.

A113: Will you be making a stop on the journey to see Cars 2; what do you make of the idea of Pixar making a sequel to arguably their weakest film?
SB: I don't think we'll be ready by then, but I found the Cars franchise to be pretty fun for all the gearheads out there.

A113: Anything else we should know?
SB: I don't like pickles.

Remember to check out the 'Road to Pixar' website for more updates.

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